Catechetical Theme 2022-2023:
"This is my body given for you."
- Luke 22:19
OCIC prepares children over the age of reason (7 yrs of age),
for the Sacraments of Initiation:
Baptism (if not baptized), Confirmation & Holy Communion.
Registration is required to attend OCIC classes.
For children under the age of 7 who need to be baptized, please enroll your
child(ren) in Traditional RE classes with RE Office at (361)643-3548
and contact the Parish Office to plan your child’s Baptism (361)643-7533.
Starting the process
does not require a commitment to become Catholic,
it just opens the door....
Visit our Registration page for Forms and Info
as well as our Sacrament Preparation page.
For program details and to register please contact: