Catechetical Theme 2022-2023:
"This is my body given for you."
- Luke 22:19
OCIA the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which persons become fully initiated Catholics.
OCIA is for those who have never been baptized.
OCIA is for those who were baptized in another faith tradition and who now wish to inquire about the Catholic faith.
OCIA is for Catholics who were baptized but never Confirmed and/or made their First Communion.
OCIA is for Catholics who are not married in the church and would like to have their marriage blessed in order to receive the Sacraments.
OCIA is for anyone who just wants to learn about the Catholic faith and share it with others.
Welcome to the Journey!
Congratulations! You are already on your way toward a deeper faith. Even if you have not started RCIA yet, reading this is at least your first step toward completing the journey. Like most journeys, there will be some steep hills to climb, many obstacles, and even a few traps along the way. But, do not let me scare you! If you invite Christ into your life, He will be there every step of the way.
The steep hills will feel like a casual downhill walk. The obstacles will be scenery to enjoy along the way. And, you will never even notice the traps. Trust in Him, and He will carry you through.
What is OCIA - The Order of the Christian Initiation of Adults?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or OCIA, is the way that adults can become Catholic. Basically, OCIA is adult Confirmation. Every Catholic must go through some form of Confirmation. Most "Cradle Catholics" go through Confirmation after they reach the age of reason. Basically, the age of reason is the age at which you first become aware of the differences between right and wrong. The actual age differs for everyone, and many argue when this actually happens. Either way, as an adult, we are way beyond that.
To understand what Catholic OCIA is all about, it is important to understand Confirmation. Whether you are a teenager or grandmother of seven kids, Confirmation applies in the same way. It is the method by which we join the Catholic Church. As adults, the difference is that the classes are focused around us. Our questions may be different. Our ability to understand may be different. Our maturity is certainly different. For these reasons, and many others, the Church has a specific program to help us as we begin our journey in the Catholic faith.
OCIA the Right Way
Who is to say what is the right or wrong way to go through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a personal journey. It begins with a choice, and it ends with a choice. Plus, there are a number of smaller choices in between. The first choice is whether or not to start the Catholic OCIA process. It is not an easy choice. Personally, I began OCIA with some hesitation. Then, as we advance along, we must choose to attend each class. We must choose to study on our own. We must choose to ask the difficult questions. We can only learn if our heart and soul allow us to. Finally, the process ends with a choice, the most important choice. The choice to become a Catholic is not complete until the day of the rite. We are not initiated as an OCIA Catholic until we participate in the rite. We must choose to be there.
You will struggle along the way. However, you will also grow along the way. Thirst for knowledge. Study the Scriptures. Read the Catechism. Pray fervently. This can be one of the most amazing experiences of your life, if you are open to it. May God bless you and keep you safe on your journey!
The Four Elements of OCIA Curriculum:
I. Catholic Vision Overview
II. Catholic Vision of Revelation
III. Catholic Vision of Worship
IV. Catholic Vision of Life
- Are you an adult (17 yrs & up) and not baptized?
- Or not Catholic and want to know more about the basic beliefs
of the Catholic Church?
- Do you want to become Catholic?
- Are you a baptized Catholic & needing the Sacraments of Confirmation
and/or Holy Communion?
OCIA - Adapted for Children (OCIC)
OCIC prepares children over the age of reason (7 yrs of age), who have not been baptized
or children baptized in another denomination & wish to become Catholic for the
Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism (if not baptized), Confirmation & Holy Communion.
For children under the age of 7 who need to be baptized, please enroll your
child(ren) in Traditional RE classes with RE Office at (361)643-3548
and contact the Parish Office to plan your child’s Baptism (361)643-7533.
Starting the process
does not require a commitment to become Catholic,
it just opens the door....
To inquire into the Catholic faith or receive your sacraments,
please call the Parish Office at (361)643-7533 to talk to
Reverend Piotr Koziel, Priest of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
OCIA program will be offered
Monday evenings from September 9th- Easter
and conducted by Rev. Piotr Koziel from 7pm-8:30pm