We are currently looking for those interested in altar serving. In order to be eligible the child must have received their first communion.
Orientation training and on the job training will be available. Altar servers can serve during the mass their family regularly attends on a rotation basis and as a fill in when they are available. There are four rosters one for each mass with the list of servers wanting to serve on that mass. The schedule is generated by rotation each month and sent out via email and also posted on the web site.
As an altar server, you will be serving in an important way at the Mass. Serving at Mass will involve learning some new words and some very specific things to remember. Its important to realize that you are serving not only the priest, but your family, the whole Church community at Our Lady of Carmel, and you are serving God in helping with prayers and with the Eucharist.
Serving as an altar server, you are involved in some of the holiest and most sacred events in our tradition of Catholic worship. Mass is a combination of Word and Sacrament. We hear God’s Word spoken to us through the scriptures and in the homily, then we respond to that Word with our prayers and in receiving the body and blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The priest receives our sacrifice to God in the form of bread and wine and invoking the power of the Holy Spirit, these are transformed into His body and blood, to become nourishment for our souls, leading us closer to God’s immense love and mercy and especially towards everlasting life with Him. It is a great mystery, but it lives at the core of our faith. All of our hope is placed in the saving power of God’s word and presence, most especially in His presence that comes to us in the Eucharist. Through prayer and reflection, we all can appreciate the significance of what is actually happening at Mass. It is important to be sure that you, as an altar server, be attentive and sensitive to the presence of God during the Mass, and afterwards.
God calls us to respond to his great love and mercy with a sense of reverence, wonderment and gratefulness. We must all help each other remember to show reverence to God at all times, but most especially when you’re serving. Some ways you can do this is to:
1) Sit still, be calm and settle your nerves;
2) Only speak when necessary.
3) Respond with the congregation at the appropriate times;
4) Do your best to enter into the spirit of the celebration—sing with God’s family;
5) Keep your movements smooth and slow (not sluggish!).
6) No running anytime in Church, even when you’re not serving.
7) No chewing gum in church, even when you’re not serving.
8) No sitting in a slumped position. Always do your best to sit-up straight and to stand straight. When seated, refrain from swinging your legs.
When you are scheduled to serve, try to arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass. You’ll need to get vested, light candles and be in the sacristy before beginning the
procession. Be sure your parents know that you need to get to church early.
The schedule will be emailed on the email group distribution list and in the event the server can not make a scheduled slot, they can reply to all and indicate so. Hopefully someone in the group will respond and fill the slot.
The rosters were created with the updated information request. I realize there are existing servers that are not on the list. If your name/child’s name is not on the roster, just call or text me the roster you would like to be added to (361-633 1328). I will update as we go and repost them. The most current version is in the altar server dressing room as well.
eMail: deaconrobert@olmcportland.com